Let me tell you a fascinating story. My friend Russ has a residential window cleaning company in NH. He is a true professional and has come across many different problems over about thirty years. Then one day he was cleaning some windows on an overcast day. He had just cleaned the face of a building and turned the corner. Then he heard a bang loud enough to scare the hair off a cat. When he came back to check out the situation he discoved one window had completely shattered! He had been noticing what I have to show you here in this video.
After doing some quick research on the net he was able to determine the cause. It is called negative deflection. And happens over several years when the gas on the inside of an insulating glass unit leaves. So that the plates become concave. If they are bowed enough there are other conditions that come into play that can cause the window to violently implode without warning. Russ did explain all this to the customer. And she did understand. It was only one window. But what about all of the other windows that were defective? When would they also violently implode?
Real Estate Agents;... wouldn't you want to know if the house you are selling is full of "time bombs"?! The house Russ was working on was about twenty years old. There are many houses around this age on the market right now. The best thing to do is to have a professional window cleaner who is Glass Smart clean all the windows. Then label those windows if any that have negative deflection. Also that person could even rate those with this defect.
This is something a Home Inspector can not do. They would have to clean every window in the house. Home Inspectors don't know how to clean windows. But even if they did they could never do this for the same price as a home inspection. Houses usually cost between 250 to 2500 dollars. The average is around five hundred.
If you have read this post and you have any questions just shoot me an email.
Written by Henry Grover Jr.
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